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Singapore: The Monocle Travel Guide Series



Gone are the days when outsiders struggled to pinpoint Singapore on a map; this equatorial city-state is making waves across myriad sectors from health to logistics. Its skyline has taken shape at a blistering pace with numerous attention-grabbing architectural accents. Singapore can still surprise though: quaint colonial-era shop houses sit anachronistically nestled alongside skyscrapers; temples, mosques, and churches share the same streets and open-air food courts sell tasty street food just steps away from fine-dining establishments. With a decidedly global outlook, the country embraces all things hi-tech and modern while having one foot firmly rooted in tradition.

The Monocle Travel Guide to Singapore will equip you with the know-how to explore beyond the obvious. We've scoured the city-state for the top restaurants and kueh (confectionery) shops and listed the independent retailers selling goods that embody the best of "brand Singapore".

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