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A Look Back 2019 Edition

Posted by Edward Wang on
A Look Back 2019 Edition

2019 Has Come and Gone...

As 2020 has arrived, we at UrbanCred wanted to take a look at the previous year and be thankful for the progress we've made. To say it was a rollercoaster is an understatement. In 2018...

  1. Created our first lifestyle video showcasing our products working together in a setting we thought represented what New York was all about. (Thanks, Shane!)
  2. We have partnered with awesome brands from around the world to bring you the promise of high quality and functionality with a touch of that minimalist design. 
  3. Finding and working with like-minded people. Just seeing their fans love the stuff we spend so long curating is quite gratifying. 
  4. Moving our shipping system from in house to a 3rd fulfillment service! (Thanks, James!)
  5. Attending our first Holiday Market with collaboration with American Field. 
  6. Succeeded and failed in many attempts to figure out what's best for ourselves, business, and our customers as well as juggling work and balance in this ever-changing environment. 

We don't mention it often, but we are a bootstrapped company. UrbanCred was an idea that finally took shape in the year 2018. I was on my computer and finished the final touches of what would be I had a strong desire to be independent and free from the life that I was living in. To do something I loved with people who valued me as much as I appreciated them. I prayed that this was the key to connecting all the dots. And while we are still not quite there yet, we know that to achieve the dream is to be patient and tirelessly working regardless of the limits. 

As always, UrbanCred continues to grow and improve, all thanks to the support of our community. We're a small team, and while there is so much we can do, rest assured that we will have much planned for 2020. Thanks to those of you who stuck with us since the early days of UrbanCreds journey. I promise that we will stay true to whom we are and keep working to keep you happy and satisfied. For those of you who recently stepped onto this train ride, I welcome you. The best has yet to come. We are dedicating to curating the best of the best. High quality and functional products that look and feel good in your hands. And we are incredibly grateful to everyone who'll be joining us for the ride. 

- Edward, Founder and CEO

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